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Friday, March 28, 2008


In office they kept some kinda test which is hr type where they determine what type of character/person/living thing , you are. i too choose the answere. and the results came which is posted below, for your assessment. is it right?.....


As an Entrepreneur you are aggressive, persuasive, active and extremely independent: You are supreme induvudualist: cocky, energetic, and persistent. You are incurably venturesome and will try anything once. Your desire for power combines with stubborn determination to control both events and people. You act decisively and positively and move ahead without consultation or conference. Your impatience results in quick reaction, instant boredom, and an itch for greener pastures. You are versatile, and self-motivated, with a great sense of urgency and a high tolerance for pressure.

You are hard-driving, sociable (on your own terms), alert, and very sure of yourself. In daily activities, you lend to charge ahead against all resistance and opposition. You view restraints as a challenge to getting the quick results you want. You value freedom more than equality and want room to operate. You are most effective where innovation, experimentation, and results are important, and where there are few rules and guideliness.

You disdain corporate structures and controls unless you do the organizing and controlling. As a subordinate, you tend to be a maverick. You may usurp power, overstep bounds, and do it your way. You are often critical of superiors, whom you rarely regard as such, and you resent criticism of your own actions. You are not easy to manage. You must also be made to understand that limits to your authority do exist. You are ambitious and want to move quickly up the bussiness ladder. You work best for a positive, competent, friendly superior with whom you can tell it like it is and openly discuss what is expected, on a noholds-barred basis.

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